Monday, February 1, 2010

Some necessary purchases (自転車とギータ)

So today Jeremy, Becca, Shiho and myself went and did some shopping. We went to this store called GENKI which means happy. This place was crazy, imagine Hot Topic, Spencer Gifts and Target combined. They had absolutely everything. I wanted to get a guitar so I could start practicing again, I wanted to get a classical style guitar though. I didn't think there was a chance in hell that they would have one. But they had three, and they were all under 100$. It was great, I got a classical guitar and can't wait to start playing.

We also went to a Revolving Sushi Restaurant. Basically you sit down and Sushi revolves around you on trays. You can just pick and choose whatever you want. If what you want isn't on they tray, you type it in and they send it to you on a toy train. It is quite the experience. My mouth is slowly adapting to the taste of raw fish....I still find it gross.....

Later in the day I walked about two miles to the local department store. I bought a bike for about 100$. It is quite the sweet ride. It even has a basket. I felt like such a foreigner though, they were trying to register my bike, and I had no idea what they were saying.....I eventually pulled out my dictionary and figured it out. Japanese people are so helpful, the guy showed me how to lock the bike and turn the light on. Japanese bikes are a little different from American bikes, they have built in locks and they all have lights that work in a rather odd manner. So that was my excitement for the day.

Saturday night was a little crazy, we went out with all the Japanese teachers and some other English teachers from around Tottori. We did Karaoke, then went to some dance club. We were out drinking until about 4am. I was so tired, I am not used to going out so late....I slept until 2pm the next day, haha. It was a fun night, I got to speak Japanese all night and had a really good time learning some new words.

So I had a great weekend, and this week I will be teaching all of my students for the first time alone.It should be fun and challenging.


  1. John! I am loving your blog! It makes it all so real for us! I am so glad you bought a bike and a guitar! Timmy would be proud! It sounds as if you are having a blast! Love the pictures too! It is snowing here. But all is good. Love you so much!

  2. Dude! Japan sounds so awesome! guitar, bike, mountains, heated toilet seats? SO COOL. I cannot wait to come visit!
