Sunday, February 7, 2010

Bike Ride to the Ocean

I rode my bike to the ocean today for the first time. I hopped on a bike trail that runs parallel with the Sendai River. It leads right to the ocean. When I arrived at the Ocean I was amazed by the huge waves. I walked out onto the pier and sat down and watched a giant hawk fish for about twenty minutes. It was truly amazing watching the skillful bird attack the wavy ocean.
I walked on the beach toward the Sand Dune, but stopped and turned back because I needed to get back before it got dark. I love being in a place that is surrounded by nature. Growing up in the city you don't get to see such beautiful things every day. I am looking forward to spring when the weather will be perfect and I can start climbing more mountains.

1 comment:

  1. Johnny, Love the photos! I love that I can see where you are! It is snowing like crazy here. Dad was driving me to school this morning and we had a blow out and had to be towed (second time in two weeks). I was in WI this past weekend, skiing, snow shoeing, tubing, drinking, eating, was nice!
