I love skiing in the mountains!!
Below is an essay I wrote when I was a sophomore in college. It was on Japanese culture shock. I wrote about what shocked Japanese people when they came to America and what I thought would shock me if I went back to Japan. I went on to describe my first time in Japan and how I didn't experience any culture shock because through the eyes of a 13 year old it all looks the same. Wow, was I wrong, first things first: CARS here look like Hot Wheels and the people are just as small. The old people here look like midgets, I don't know if that is wrong to say, but it is true!
Second, people are very quiet and shy, so shy that I can make old women giggle and say "Hazukashi" (embarrassed) by just looking at them.
Just some thoughts that were brought up when I was looking at my old school work. I'm doing good, I went skiing a couple of times and I also have been working out like a fiend, I've gained about 12 lbs in 3 months! It feels good! I'm going to my friend Jamess' B Day party this weekend and I might even get to go Ice Skating! It has been over a year since I've been on ice, way too long. Anyways enjoy the pics and I miss you all.
私のトピックは日本の若者文化です。(My grammar was really bad and simple back then, still fun to look at).
ジョン バッチ
This is a letter from my cute 5 year old student Ayaka, It says I really like John Sensei. Man do I love being called Sensei.
John John No more facebook EMAIL ME!!! jckbudge@msn.com or kenn9001@stthomas.edu i love you! I miss you
ReplyDeleteI love being called "teacher" too! You should save that letter!