Last week I went to Osaka, this week I went to Kurayoshi and Yonago, next weekend I'll be going to Tokyo and then after Christmas I am going to S. Korea.
Osaka is an awesome city. The people are more friendly than the people in Tokyo, they are more open to having conversations with random people and they are very eccentric. They are kind of hard to understand because they use a lot of slang when they speak, but it was so much fun going out and exchanging experiences with random Osaka people. I went with my good friend James who is from Wales. He is just like all of my friends back home, easy to talk to, into a lot of sports, reading and just a funny guy overall. We went to the Aquarium and the "World's Biggest Ferris Wheel." We also enjoyed eating Subway!!!! I think together we ate 10 feet of subs in two days.....yea we were a little excited. We also went to the Hard Rock Cafe, a must when in the big cities, American Music, food and FREE REFILLS!!!! Restaurants here aren't big on free refills, so I get super pumped when they have them. We went out and had a good time then went home.
This weekend I had to get my re-entry permit from Yonago, so I went to Kurayoshi and watched James and Yoshi smash people playing Rugby, then we went to watch our friend Chan compete in a Karate competition, he got second place, pretty impressive. After that Chan, Cian, Ai and myself went to an Onsen (Hotspring) They are sooo relaxing and no one else was there which was nice. The next day I went to the Airport and got a multiple re-entry permit, so I can leave the country as I please now.
The Korea trip is coming up fast. We haven't booked our hotels yet, but we have booked our ferry. Yes a Ferry, across the Sea of Japan to Busan! I have never done such a thing and I am pumped to be at sea, I hope I get to see some whales before the Japanese poach attempt at a joke. We are going to celebrate New Years there, Eric, David and myself. I am going to start studying Korean next week so I can at least ask for a beer. I am excited to visit this city, it looks beautiful. Check it out for yourself. Busan is on the opposite side of the border with the NORTH,so don't worry about me getting bombed or kidnapped.

Next week I am going to Tokyo....not too excited because it is a work trip and we are going to Disneyland.....what am I 5 years lame. The rides are weak too...I am just going to enjoy the FOOD like I always do in Tokyo.
Keep watching your phones, I will call this week!