I had a great weekend. Saturday night was a blast as usual. We went out to the local bar and I spoke Japanese the whole night. I also met some guys who play basketball on the weekends, so hopefully I am going to start playing some Bball on Sundays. It is always a nice feeling to have conversations in another language and make friends who don't speak a lick of English except for Micheal Jordan and Kobe Bryant.
Sunday was another fun and interesting day, just check out my facebook pictures and you will see me in a ridiculous duck hat. Me and some of my friends bought some of these hats and wore them around to be funny. The thing is, we didn't get stared at anymore than the usual really. We just scared some younger kids. That was a fun day, we went to the 100YEN shop and bought a bunch of useless stuff and then we went to a fish market and looked at all the crazy fish and crabs. We ate some nasty oysters and then went out for a delicious burger at a place that is American themed. I hate to say it, but it was actually nice to hear Country Music!! I never thought I would say such a thing, but it was true, I felt all nostalgic.
Monday was fun as usual with Mitsue. We went to a castle and a shrine. I really enjoyed the Shrine. It is called Ube Shrine and it has a long history. It is the most famous shrine in Tottori. The tour guide was super nice and he showed Mitsue and I around the whole place. Again it was fun to talk in Japanese all day and to learn more about Tottori's history. The shrine was beautiful and deep in the mountains, twas quite peaceful. I felt like Tom Cruise in the last Samurai.
After that we went to Sakuranbo and I did my volunteer thing with the special needs kids. It was a fun lesson. We talked about what we like. Food, Drinks, Animals, ect. Most of the kids just look at me, but Reo is really smart and we talk in Japanese and I tell him what the words are in English and he repeats. It is a lot of fun to see him and the others every week. The pic below is of the kids. Towa is the little guy in the front, Mana is the girl in the middle, she doesn't talk but she laughs at my jokes. Reo is the guy on the right. We are doing a SpiderMan web pose because he likes those movies. And Ayaka on the far right, very shy. She always says, "Hazukashi" which means embarrassed.
So here I am now, I am going to sit back and think about my important decision.
I can A: return home. B: Extend for like 4-6 months. or C: Extend for a year.......
Right now it is between A and B.....
Tough choice. I'll let you know what I decide soon.